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We have 47 acting PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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acting PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 47 acting PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships


A key trend in the pharmaceutical industry is currently long-acting drug delivery. Here, instead of taking tablets daily, a patient receives an injection or implant that contains weeks or months of medication. Read more

Peptide-like hydrogels as long-acting injectable drug delivery platforms for the prevention of tuberculosis

Low to middle-income countries (LMIC) account for 95% of tuberculosis infections and deaths. Tuberculosis is currently the second highest infectious killer worldwide, after Covid-19, and is responsible for more deaths than HIV/AIDS. Read more

Peptide-like hydrogels as long-acting injectable drug delivery platforms for the prevention of malaria

There is an urgent need for new convenient drug delivery platforms to combat global health challenges in infectious disease, including malaria, and especially within low to middle-income countries (LMIC). Read more

Eco-evolutionary drivers of hybrid fitness in snapdragons

  Research Group: Biology
Overview. We are seeking an enthusiastic and motivated PhD student (starting May 2025) to study the ecological and genetic drivers of hybrid fitness in fitness in snapdragons. Read more

4D printed Biomaterials in cancer therapeutics

According to WHO, cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, with nearly 1 in 6 deaths been due to cancer. The principal modes of cancer management are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and pharmaceutical agents. Read more

Energy-efficient collective decisions in robot swarms

This project will study mechanisms for making effective collective group decisions to achieve goals that are embedded in space, drawing on inspiration from animal behaviour and neuroscience to design algorithms for robots. Read more

Towards a holistic understanding of carbonate mineralisation controls

Calcium-carbonates (CaCO. 3. ) are climate-controlling minerals, acting as long-term sinks in the biogeochemical carbon cycle, and playing the role of stable carbon stores in many carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) technologies. Read more

Integrating living species and the fossil record to unravel cnidarian evolution

Cnidarians are a familiar animal group that encompasses jellyfish (Medusozoa) and corals and anemones (Anthozoa). They are an ancient group and have colonised the pelagic, benthic and freshwater realms since their first appearance more than half a billion years ago. Read more

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