This exciting fully funded MSc(RES) with a stipend of £20,000 pa, is sponsored by the Severn Trent Water. The research will look at treatment solutions to address the fresh challenges that algae pose to drinking water production due to climate change. Read more
In the evolution of complex life, the uptake of and development of the primary endosymbiotic plastid by the ancestral heterotroph represents a singularity i.e. Read more
A 400 kyr cycle in the carbon cycle has been observed over much of Earth history but has never been rationalised and understood. One of the curious aspects of e.g. Read more
Lead supervisor: Dr Chris MacDonald. Co-supervisors: Prof Luke Mackinder and Ralf Richter – School of Biomedical Sciences and School of Physics and Astronomy (University of Leeds). Read more
This project seeks to understand the molecular mechanisms of a large and conserved family of proteins that drive a variety of membrane remodelling processes throughout the tree of life. Read more
One full scholarship is available in the School of Food Science and Nutrition in 2025/26. This scholarship is open to Home fee rated and International applicants and covers UK tuition fees plus a maintenance grant (£19,237 in 2024/25) for full-time study. Read more
How particles pack together to make stable structures is a puzzle that has been addressed by many illustrious scientists and engineers, including Kepler, Coulomb and James Clerk Maxwell. Read more
We are seeking a highly capable candidate for an exciting PhD opportunity developing and applying new methods for the quantification of natural organic compounds in freshwater ecosystems in the UK, offering 4 years funding and a full UKRI Research Training Support Grant. Read more
Beach landowner Shoreham Port is a commercial port that provides a full range of services aligned to commercial shipping, fishing and leisure marinas, alongside an extensive property and storage portfolio. Read more
Life on earth depends on photosynthesis, the source of our food, oxygen and most of our energy. Approximately 50% of this life-giving photosynthetic process happens in single celled organisms that live in the world’s oceans and form the critical basis of global food chains. Read more
There is an increased international interest in the use of algae to sustainably produce liquid biofuels to meet future energy demands, however there are many technical challenges associated with this promising technology. Read more
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