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We have 8 back pain PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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back pain PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 8 back pain PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Morphology, motion, and mechanics of vertebral joints in fish

We depend on healthy joints to stay active, independent and productive. Disorders of the joints of our spine (intervertebral joints) are particularly disruptive, with back pain and disorders impacting millions of people. Read more

Cardiovascular and Neuromuscular Functions around the Clock: Harnessing Protective Endogenous Mechanisms towards Smarter Design of Novel Therapies and Interventions

Optimal tissue and organ is essential for long-term health and quality of life. One such important regulator within the body is related to circadian rhythms, which control ~24h cycles in many physiological processes such as sleep/wake cycles, physical activity/rest cycles, drug metabolism and hormones. Read more

Investigating the role of Aquaporins in age related diseases

Physical frailty, with its associated immobility and disability, is a major factor limiting independence among older people. A key contributor to frailty is a decline in muscle mass and strength (sarcopenia) and the burden of sarcopenia is substantial, with a cost to the NHS of ~£2.5bn/pa. Read more

Characterisation of a novel molecular temperature receptor

Painful stimuli are detected and processed at the level of the primary sensory nerve, which is the first in a chain of nerves that deliver information of potential environmental harm to the brain. Read more
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