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We have 11 bat PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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bat PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 11 bat PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Integrating bat pollination services into market value chains: the mezcal industry

​​Bats are key pollinators in both natural and agricultural ecosystems providing important pollination services. However, bats are often considered pests and research quantifying their importance as pollinators is scarce. Read more

Investigating the effects of environmental change on tropical montane bats

Project overview. PhD opportunity to investigate the impact of environmental change on tropical montane bats in Malaysia. The project combines ecological research methods and pollen analysis to study bat community composition, pollination network, and environmental influences. Read more

CENTA funded - The role of the hind limbs in pterosaur flight

Project highlights. Gain expertise in 3D digital modelling, morphometrics, photogrammetry and phylogenetics  . Opportunities for data collection in key palaeontological collections in the UK, Europe, USA, China and/or Japan  . Read more

Food web subsidies in wetlands under multiple stressors

This project is part of the NERC-funded Centre for Doctoral Training, ECOWILD. For more details, and for a full list of projects offered under this programme, please visit: Read more

Sounding Out Our Environment: Operationalising machine learning analysis of environmental soundscapes

You only need to sit in a woodland on a sunny day to appreciate that sound contains a wealth of environmental data - the challenge is how to extract this information and make it operationally useful. Read more

ACCE+ DLA programme: Uncovering natural and anthropic factors that affect the eco-epidemiology of Leishmania pathogens transmission in the Amazon

The ACCE+ DLA is committed to recruiting extraordinary future scientists regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, faith or religious belief, pregnancy or maternity, parental or caring responsibilities or career pathway to date. Read more

CSC studentship: The Roles of microRNA in the Evolution of Bats and Mammals

Natural selection has been a pivotal force driving the rich diversity of mammals. They display a remarkable spectrum of phenotypical, physiological and behavioural adaptations that span from terrestrial creatures to aquatic species like whales, to the only flying mammals - bats. Read more
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