Understanding factors affecting susceptibility and immunity to disease in wild populations is critical for assessing potential impact and ability to cross species boundaries. Read more
Contact. Dr Lyanne Brouwer. Lyanne.brouwer@jcu.edu.au. College of Science & Engineering. James Cook University, Townsville QLD 4811 Australia. Read more
We invite applications for an exciting PhD opportunity to develop and apply cutting-edge statistical and machine learning approaches to better understand the complex dynamics of ant-following bird systems in African ecosystems. Read more
Bones are structurally organised to be lightweight (to minimise energy expenditure during movement), but also have sufficient strength to withstand musculoskeletal and other environmental forces. Read more
Birds of prey have suffered persecution for centuries through trapping, shooting, poisoning and theft from the wild to meet the demand from egg collectors and falconers; they were also amongst the earliest beneficiaries of DNA testing in wildlife forensics. Read more
The successful PhD student will be co-supervised and work alongside our external partner Natural England. This studentship is open to students worldwide *please see funding notes below. Read more
The evolution of flight in birds is one of the most extraordinary events in natural history. A fundamental event was the formation of feathers, which first appeared in flightless ancestral theropod dinosaurs. Read more
'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. Project outline: Influenza A viruses (IAV) are the cause of a major global health burden in humans and animals. Read more
Introduction. Influenza is a highly contagious viral disease caused by influenza viruses, which affect a wide range of species, including humans, pigs, and birds. Read more
Would you like to continue your academic journey with a PhD in Aerospace Engineering? A 3.5-year fully funded PhD studentship for UK home students and EU students with settled status is available in the group of Dr. Read more
Lead supervisor: Prof Luke Alphey. Co-supervisors: Prof Sean Sweeney and Dr Michelle Anderson, University of York. The student will be registered with the Department of Biology (University of York). Read more
Wellington city has regained a culturally important species, the kākā. However, this large forest parrot faces unprecedented threats in the city, including new diseases, unintentional poisoning, and conflict with humans. Read more
Vector-borne diseases afflict humans, livestock and plants – according to WHO, vector-borne diseases comprise ~17% of all infectious disease of humans – and also threaten biodiversity by their impact on endangered species. Read more
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