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We have 63 child PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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child PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 63 child PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Structured PhD in Child and Youth Research

The PhD in Child and Youth Research is a four-year full-time or six-year part-time interdisciplinary structured PhD programme. Read more

Neurodiversity in parent-child relationships in the early years: Researching the diversity of the parent-infant system, and developing guidance

The Centre for National Training and Research Excellence in Understanding Behaviour (Centre-UB) is inviting applications for a Doctoral Studentship in association with our collaborative partner the National Children’s Bureau to start in October 2025. Read more

Joint NIHR Maudsley BRC CMHND-DCAP PhD Studentship

We have two projects for a potential student to choose from – see below for details. Please select Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research MPhil/PhD (Full-time) once start application online. Read more

PhD Opportunity - Evaluating the reach and impact of the Childsmile programme: Scotland’s national child oral health improvement programme.

'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. Background. Child oral health in Scotland has improved over the last two decades however inequalities remain large with 41.6% of children in the most deprived areas having tooth decay compared to 14.2% in the least deprived areas. Read more

PhD (School of Social Sciences) Doctorate

Study a PhD at the University of Bradford and contribute new and significant knowledge to the diverse field of social sciences. Read more

The health impact of having a parent with endometriosis: A mixed-methods study of the implications for child development and mental health using the ALSPAC cohort dataset

Project advert. Endometriosis affects 10% of women, and causes significant chronic pelvic pain, infertility/difficulty getting pregnant, heavy and/or painful periods, depression, fatigue, and difficulty in engaging in work and social activities. Read more
Last chance to apply

Relapse into malnutrition: Causes and strategies for reduction

Acute malnutrition in children has immediate impacts on their health and long-term impacts on several dimensions of wellbeing including cognitive development, disease and death (Black et al. Read more

In Cabin Occupancy Monitoring using sub-THz radar

We are looking for an exceptionally motivated individual to undertake a fully funded PhD project (open to both UK and international students) at the Microwave Integrated Systems Laboratory, University of Birmingham. Read more

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