We have 29 corrosion science PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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corrosion science PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 29 corrosion science PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

New optical techniques for non-destructive sensing and monitoring

Technical paints provide essential corrosion protection to our infrastructure, which is vital to ensure public safety and drive down the unacceptable economic and carbon cost associated with the replacement of metals. Read more

In-situ Measurement and Modelling of Crevice Corrosion Kinetics in Stainless Steel

Crevice corrosion involves the breakdown of the protective passive oxide layer on stainless steels, leading to unprotected metal corroding at rapid rates due to the formation of electrical cells coupling the active corroding areas to the oxide covered, or passive areas. Read more

Corrosion Optimization of Additively Manufactured High-manganese (high-Mn) Steels

High-manganese (high-Mn) steels are limited in their application due to their low with moderate corrosion resistance, but their electrochemical properties can further be enhanced especially in harsh environmental conditions. Read more

Hydrogen trapping and permeation in metallic and ceramic coatings for fusion powerplant applications

  Research Group: Coatings and Ceramics
Future fusion powerplants must maintain tritium inventory to ensure safe and sustainable plant operations. Structural materials in the breeder blanket and tritium extraction systems will be exposed to tritium and lithium. Read more

Microbial Induced Electrochemistry at the Local Site and Single Cell Level

Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC) is a serious economic problem with an estimate worldwide cost of $113 Bn every year. MIC impacts a very wide range of industries, from power plants to construction, and even the health of humans with implants or protheses. Read more

Fuel Retention and Release Mechanisms in Breeder Blanket Materials for Nuclear Fusion Devices

With climate change driving a desire to move towards a low-carbon/carbon-free energy landscape, power generated from nuclear fusion offers a high-capacity, baseload electricity generation for the future. Read more

Demonstration of novel high temperature zirconium alloys under irradiation for generation-IV fission

A 3.5-year UK/EU PhD studentship is available in the group of Dr Sandy Knowles within the School of Metallurgy and Materials at the University of Birmingham, with a stipend of at least £19,237 per year. Read more

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