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We have 281 decision making PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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decision making PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 281 decision making PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

An investigation of Quantum Cognition in Financial Decision Making

This project aims to investigate the application of quantum principles to financial decision-making processes. Quantum cognition, which applies the principles of quantum theory to cognitive processes, offers a novel approach to understanding the complexities and uncertainties inherent in human decision making. Read more

Shared decision making and psychosis – whose voice counts in the conversations about stopping or reducing antipsychotic medication

Prescribing antipsychotics has increased steadily in England over the last decade. For serious mental health conditions like schizophrenia, they are prescribed with the view of keeping the patient on them indefinitely. Read more

Scalable Safe Decision Making in Networked Cyber-Physical Systems

Emerging applications of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), such as multi-agent robotics, Internet-of-Things, autonomous driving, and smart manufacturing often involve a large number of hardware and software components that interact with each other in a coupled, time-sensitive, and context-varying operation environment. Read more

Research into judgment and decision making in futures thinking

This project is within the activities of the Leverhulme Doctoral School in Nature Inspired Acoustics. It focusses on judgment and decision making in anticipating the future. Read more

Risk taking, decision making and ADHD characteristics in contact and non-contact athletes (ref: SF23/HLS/SER/Thornton)

Participation in sport is often associated with physical risks and a higher incidence of injury. Those who choose to engage in sporting activities often differ from those who are sedentary in terms of personality and behaviour (Guillen & Laborde, 2014). Read more
Last chance to apply

Formulation optimisation by data-enabled decision making (Ref: AACME-24-027)

The complexity of formulating liquid products such as paints and coatings prevent a fast response to external factors such as raw material supply disruption, rise in energy costs, or the need for more sustainable formulations. Read more

Multi-Sensor Data Fusion and Smart Decision Making

Future intelligent systems will involve the deployment of large-scale sensor networks in which hundreds or thousands of microsensors, unexpensive, small and lightweight devices with integrated sensing, computing, communication and possibly actuation capabilities will work together to achieve a common mission-specific task. Read more

Comprehensive decision support system for effective disaster management

  Research Group: Peace Studies
As the frequency and severity of natural disasters increases around the world, effective disaster management decision-making has become essential. Read more

Understanding pro-environmental decision making: an agent-based modelling approach

The Centre for National Training and Research Excellence in Understanding Behaviour (Centre-UB) is inviting applications for a Doctoral Studentship in association with our collaborative partner [The James Hutton Institute] to start in October 2025. Read more

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