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We have 76 differentiation PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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differentiation PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 76 differentiation PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of mechanosensing in stem cell homeostasis and differentiation.

Background. Stem cells have an essential role in homeostasis, repair, and regeneration of a tissue or organ. The adult skin is home to largest collection of multipotent stem cells, which are immature cells with unlimited ability to self-renew and capacity to differentiate into different skin cell lineages. Read more

Towards controlling cell-state switching of neural crest differentiation states in melanoma evolution

Melanoma, a deadly skin cancer, exhibits remarkable adaptability, enabling metastasis, therapy resistance, and immune evasion. Central to this adaptability is the ability of melanoma cells to transition between distinct functional states, a process rooted in mechanisms of cell fate choice. Read more

MSc by Research: Using genome editing to study the mechanisms of immune cell proliferation and differentiation

T lymphocytes mediate long-term adaptive immunity to viruses and tumour cells. T lymphocytes recognize foreign antigens via specific interactions with the T cell receptor (TCR) that is expressed on the cell surface. Read more

Characterisation of the impact of NICD S2513 mutation on human segmentation using iPS derived somitoids

During early development cells differentiate into the different cell types required to form the tissues that make up the embryo. Research into human embryological development is challenging for practical and ethical reasons. Read more

Percolative reactive flow - ore formation in a capsule

Understanding the evolution of Earth’s crust, including the formation of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits, requires knowledge of the processes responsible for magmatic differentiation, which in turn depends on the distribution and mobility of fluids and melts in the crust. Read more

Investigation of the role molecular regulators in skin diseases (psoriasis) and cancer formation

Skin morphogenesis occurs under stringent control of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions and result in a formation of the epidermis and a number of different skin appendages (including, the hair follicle, HF). Read more

MSc by Research: DNA Replication Coupled Mechanisms that control cell fate transitions

DNA replication is required for successful cell fate transitions across diverse physiological, experimental, and pathological contexts, involving factors often deregulated in human cancer and intellectual disabilities. Read more
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An embarrassment of riches: reconciling our solar system’s platinum problem

Project Background. The Earth and Mars have too much platinum. This is also true of the rest of the platinum group elements (PGEs), osmium, iridium, ruthenium, rhodium and palladium, all of which are highly-siderophile elements (HSEs) that strongly partition into the metallic cores of planets during differentiation. Read more

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