We have 368 e health PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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e health PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 368 e health PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

The role of regulatory evolution in phage ecology

The regulation of genes crucially determines the fitness and function of all organisms. This is particularly relevant for bacteriophages, the viruses that infect bacteria, as they rely on a tightly scheduled program for a successful infection. Read more

PhD Opportunity - NIHR 3 Schools Dementia PhD Studentship at University College London

We have an exciting, funded dementia PhD studentship available at UCL. Funded by the NIHR Three Schools' Dementia Research Programme the Doctoral Studentship will support an individual with a stipend and UK PhD fees for 3 years from February or May 2025. Read more

Recognising uniquely human emotions

Background. Epidemiological research suggests that people’s ability to build lasting and trusting social relationships helps to protect their mental and physical health across the lifespan. Read more

Exploring the value of using large third-party artificial intelligence models in epidemiology, with examples using Twitter/X data

Large language models (LLMs) are an artificial intelligence approach that typically have a very large number of parameters (e.g. millions or billions) and have been trained on extremely large datasets. Read more

Funded PhD Programme for Health Professionals at the Universities of Cambridge, East Anglia and at the Wellcome Sanger Institute

The Universities of Cambridge and East Anglia, together with the Wellcome Sanger Institute, invite applications for up to 7 fellowships in the PhD Programme for Health Professionals, to be taken up by the end of 2025. Read more

Funded PhD Programme for Health Professionals at the Universities of Cambridge, East Anglia and at the Wellcome Sanger Institute

The Universities of Cambridge and East Anglia, together with the Wellcome Sanger Institute, invite applications for up to 7 fellowships in the PhD Programme for Health Professionals, to be taken up by the end of 2025. Read more

Funded PhD Programme for Health Professionals at the Universities of Cambridge, East Anglia and at the Wellcome Sanger Institute

The Universities of Cambridge and East Anglia, together with the Wellcome Sanger Institute, invite applications for up to 7 fellowships in the PhD Programme for Health Professionals, to be taken up by the end of 2025. Read more

AI-enabled Dietary Diary for better health

These projects are open to students worldwide, but have no funding attached. Therefore, the successful applicant will be expected to fund tuition fees at the relevant level (home or international) and any applicable additional research costs. Read more

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