We have 45 engine PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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engine PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 45 engine PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Hot corrosion studies of gas turbine alloy materials PhD

This is a self-funded PhD position to work with Dr Adnan Syed in the Surface Engineering and Precision Centre. The PhD project will focus studying high temperature corrosion mechanisms in details to identify the material degradation and coatings applications details in extreme environments. Read more

Metacognition of International Entrepreneurs

Project summary. Metacognition is a critical skill for international entrepreneurs, as it allows them to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies to overcome challenges. Read more

Authentic Leadership: A study of UK SMEs

Project summary. This project will explore the lived experience of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) leaders in the UK. This research project aims to provide a nuanced conceptualisation of authentic leadership by critically examining the behaviours of an authentic leader within the context of SMEs. Read more

PhD Studentship in Development of a vibration management concept for gas turbine engines

Applications are invited for a research studentship in the field of future aeroengine technology, leading to the award of a PhD degree. The post is supported by a bursary and fees (at the UK student rate) provided by the EPSRC, with a generous bursary top-up from industrial funds. EPSRC candidates should fulfil the eligibility criteria for the award. . Read more

Construction of Predictive Models for Pre-screening of Sustainable Aviation Fuels

Utilisation of novel Sustainable Aviation Fuels, as a blend or standalone replacement of petroleum-based fuels, in aviation sector is subject to a challenging, and stringent multi-stage approval process, requiring tests that exceed millions of pounds in tests, tens of thousands of liters of fuel, years of testing, and sustained commitment of resources for fuel producers. Read more

Aviation Fuels degradation

In jet engines, aviation fuel has a secondary purpose as a coolant in addition to being a fuel. As a result, it is subject to thermal stresses that may cause fuel degradation leading to deposit build up and potentially catastrophic engine failure. Read more

Flame and Acoustic Wave Interactions

Thermoacoustic instability is an unresolved problem in combustion devices such as gas turbine and jet engine. When the acoustic pressure is coupled with the heat release fluctuation, very strong oscillation may occur, which may even damage the hardware component to cause high losses. Read more

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