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We have 865 environmental PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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environmental PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 865 environmental PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Exploring environmental justice in fire governance through arts-based approaches

Project Outline. Wildfires are one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, causing devastating impacts in many parts of the world, including fire-prone regions such as California, Australia and the Mediterranean, but also increasingly in other regions such as Siberia and Alaska. Read more

Plasmon-Enhanced Electrochemical Nitrate Reduction for Sustainable Ammonia Production and Environmental Remediation

This project aims to revolutionise ammonia (NH3) production by addressing two crucial global challenges. the high energy demand and environmental impact of conventional NH3 synthesis, and the increasing nitrate (NO3-) pollution from agriculture. Read more

Understanding pro-environmental decision making: an agent-based modelling approach

The Centre for National Training and Research Excellence in Understanding Behaviour (Centre-UB) is inviting applications for a Doctoral Studentship in association with our collaborative partner [The James Hutton Institute] to start in October 2025. Read more

Pro-Environmental Behaviour and Life History Theory

In order to tackle the impacts of climate change, it is important that all individuals behave and act in pro-environmental and sustainable ways in all aspects of their lives. Read more

[FSE Bicentenary PhD] Lifetime prediction of environmental barrier coatings combining materials characterisation with machine learning

This PhD study will be carried out in close collaboration with Rolls-Royce to develop novel environmental and thermal barrier coatings to protect the SiC ceramic composites designed for the next generation aero-engines which are expected to revolutionise the current aero-engine design and to address the environmental impact of aero-engine and industrial gas turbine operations. Read more

Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Fluid Dynamics Modelling

Supervisory Team. Gustavo de Almeida and Dr Sergio Maldonado. This PhD project explores the use of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) to solve environmental flow problems, including the 2D Shallow Water Equations. Read more

Human Behaviour in Adapting to Environmental Crisis and Risk

  Research Group: Risk and Environment
Understanding human behaviour in the face of risks and how this shapes organisations, communities and societies is fundamental to addressing our current and future global challenges and crises. Read more

Environmental Impact of Construction on Peatlands

Reducing greenhouse gasses (GHG) emissions is one of the main goals of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement (signed in 2015 during COP21) which seeks to limit the global raise in temperature to 1.5 °C. Read more

2D Material Enhanced Photonic Integrated Circuits based Quantum Sensing for Point-of-Care Diagnostics and Environmental Monitoring

This project focuses on developing a cutting-edge quantum sensing platform based on Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) and 2D materials such as Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDCs) for ultra-sensitive point-of-care diagnostics and environmental monitoring. Read more