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We have 11 freshwater ecology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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freshwater ecology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 11 freshwater ecology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Effects of Phenotypic Plasticity and/or Extreme Events on Ecological Dynamics

PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Effects of Phenotypic Plasticity and/or Extreme Events on Ecological Dynamics. The HartLab at the University of Queensland focuses on understanding why population sizes of plants and animals rise and fall. Read more

Exploring Cellular Metabolism of Dissolved Organic Matter in Rivers, using Environmental Omics

We are seeking a candidate passionate about freshwater ecosystems and microbiology for an exciting PhD opportunity to investigate the interaction between microbes and dissolved organic matter. Read more

Exploring the legitimacy of river health monitoring

Environmental monitoring programmes are at the heart of how we understand the health of river ecosystems. This PhD research project will apply a political ecology perspective to explore the legitimacy of river monitoring programmes among different communities. Read more

PhD studentships available under the ERC REFRESH programme

We are seeking highly capable candidates for three exciting PhD studentships under the UKRI funded ERC Advanced Grant REFRESH. Researching the role of dissolved organic matter (DOM) as a nutrient resource in freshwater systems. Read more

Modelling foraging interactions at the heart of marine food chains to link climate change to wild salmon

This project combines mathematical modelling and long-term ecological data to close a crucial gap in our understanding of how the impacts of climate change at the base of marine food chains (plankton) translate into impacts on wild salmon and other fish, seabirds, and mammals at the top of those food chains. Read more
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