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We have 214 fuel PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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fuel PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 214 fuel PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

The impact of fossil fuel subsidy reforms in Indonesia on health financing and health outcomes

For additional information, including how to apply, go here. Please familiarise yourself with the information available there and email only with concrete queries; vague manifestation-of-interest emails may receive no reply. Read more

Nuclear-Powered Space Propulsion and Terrestrial Reactors: Advanced Modelling of Particulate Fuel Behaviour

Saturn_Nuclear_CDT. The University of Manchester invites applications for a funded PhD position focused on developing a cutting-edge computational framework to model particulate fuel behaviour in nuclear reactors designed for both space propulsion and terrestrial applications. Read more

Next generation radiators for hydrogen fuel cell powered aircraft

This PhD will comprise low order fluid dynamic, heat transfer and thermodynamic modelling of hydrogen fuel cell propulsion with focus on the thermal management system, in particular the radiator that is required for rejection of heat to atmosphere in liquid cooled systems. Read more

Manufacture of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Using Electroless Co Deposition

Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) are promising energy technology devices for the highly efficient conversion of chemical to electrical energy. The higher operating temperature of SOFCs potentially give greater fuel flexibility so can act as a bridge between existing hydrocarbon fuels and future energy frameworks based on low carbon fuels such as hydrogen. Read more

Sustainable Carbon Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion in Hydrogen Fuel Cells

The Hydrogen Economy will help to shift society away from fossil fuels and contribute to decarbonisation. Electrochemical processes are at the heart of the hydrogen economy providing a means to convert renewable energy into green hydrogen via electrolysis or converting hydrogen into electrical power using fuel cells. Read more

Thermal Management for Future Aerospace Propulsion

Context. Global targets to cut carbon-dioxide emissions by 2050 are pushing forward the development of sustainable aircraft. If action is not taken, the annual atmospheric CO. Read more

Construction of Predictive Models for Pre-screening of Sustainable Aviation Fuels

Utilisation of novel Sustainable Aviation Fuels, as a blend or standalone replacement of petroleum-based fuels, in aviation sector is subject to a challenging, and stringent multi-stage approval process, requiring tests that exceed millions of pounds in tests, tens of thousands of liters of fuel, years of testing, and sustained commitment of resources for fuel producers. Read more

Research Studentship in ‘Deformation and fracture of TRISO fuel particles’

Research Studentship in ‘Deformation and fracture of TRISO fuel particles’. 3.5-year DPhil studentship . Supervisors: Prof Dong (Lilly) Liu and Prof Emilio Martinez-Paneda. Read more

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