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We have 260 health care PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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health care PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 260 health care PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Pre-registration health care students’ experiences of the safe learning environment charter (SLEC)

This PhD proposal will give an opportunity to explore how the current NHS safe learning environment charter (SLEC) is perceived by health care students in terms of impact and support for their education in clinical practice. Read more
Last chance to apply

Experiences of postpartum survivors of Intimate Partner Violence with serious mental health illness

About the Project. Background to the project. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a continuum of abuse experienced between romantic partners, including homicide, physical and sexual assault as well as psychological abuse (e.g., threats, harassment, coercion and intimidation). Read more

Reviewing and optimising the use of electronic prescribing systems to improve medicine safety in integrated care systems

  Research Group: Health Technologies
With a rapidly ageing population in the UK, there is an escalating demand for older care that requires therapeutic drug monitoring with the help of electronic prescribing and record systems (EPRS). Read more

Developing a tool for assessing acceptability of health and care interventions in people with long-term conditions

Despite widespread awareness of the importance of producing health interventions that are acceptable to those receiving and delivering them, there are no reliable and evidence-based quantitative methods for assessing intervention acceptability. Read more

Advance care planning conversations in care home, understanding resident and family experiences.

Highlights.  Demographic predictions indicate increasing numbers of older people will reach end of life in care homes making effective use of advance care planning conversations essential. Read more

Reframing Critical and Socially Engaged Arts Practices from a Creative Health / Health Humanities Perspective

The Arts and Health Research Group was created in 2021 in response to the nationwide increase in physical and mental health needs in the UK, particularly amongst the young, the elderly and minority groups, following the Covid pandemic and lockdown. Read more

Understanding the barriers to healthcare for women with chronic pelvic pain

Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is described as persistent pain perceived in structures related to the pelvis 1, of at least 3 months duration, not occurring exclusively with menstruation, intercourse, or pregnancy2. Read more

Learning from children and young people with complex needs about their experiences of trauma informed care: What works and why? (in collaboration with Lincolnshire Children and Young People’s (CYP) Complex Needs Service (CNS))

Since December 2023 the University of Lincoln have worked closely with Lincolnshire’s Children and Young People’s Complex Needs Service (CYPCNS) establishing strong links through a multi-phase evaluation project informing local policies and practice with potential for broader policy impacts. Read more
Last chance to apply

Applying a One Health Approach to Characterise the Epidemiology of Snakebite Injury in Kenya

Snakebite is an understudied and under-resourced health concern in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite its recognition as a neglected tropical disease, understanding of the epidemiology and underlying drivers of this complex health concern is limited by poor quality surveillance data and under-reporting. Read more

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