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We have 85 heating PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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heating PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 85 heating PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Decarbonising heating and cooling for achieving net-zero goals

Decarbonising heating and cooling in buildings requires a whole energy system approach that integrates the development and deployment of low-carbon technologies, such as heat pumps, along with improvements in energy efficiency. Read more

Decarbonising heating and cooling for achieving net-zero goals

Decarbonising heating and cooling in buildings requires a whole energy system approach that integrates the development and deployment of low-carbon technologies, such as heat pumps, along with improvements in energy efficiency. Read more

Evaluating the potential consequences of climate heating for Caspian seals and ecosystem services in the Caspian Sea

Marine mammals are keystone species for marine ecosystems. Understanding how they could be impacted by climate heating is important for evaluating risks to marine biodiversity, ecosystem function and ecosystem services. Read more
Last chance to apply

Integrating CO2 capture and utilisation using dual functional materials and efficient induction heating

Carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) and renewable energy utilisation are the two pillars for the decarbonisation of UK’s industrial clusters, which produce more than 36Mt CO2 per year, mostly through the flue gas from energy intensive sectors such as refining, cement, chemicals, etc. Read more

Energy-SuDS: The potential of heat exchange in Sustainable Drainage Systems for decarbonising heating and cooling.

Award summary. This project is part of the Water Infrastructure & Resilience (WIRe) CDT with a tax-free annual living allowance of £24,000 (increased by £300 in years 2, 3 and 4 each), a generous research training support grant + UKRI fees paid.   . Read more

Hydrogen-Powered Heating: Achieving Net Zero with Safe and Sustainable Homes

Project ID. SS_12. Theme. Safety and Sustainability. Hydrogen is a zero-carbon alternative to natural gas and plays a key role in the UK government’s plans to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Read more

Digital twin of heat pumps integrated with thermal energy storage

Electrification of heating supply will have massive impacts on the electricity grid. A highly electrified heating sector may cause large demand transient and peaks/troughs when many heat pumps are switched near-simultaneously, potentially destabilising the operation of networks. Read more

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde District Heating and Renewables Opportunities (Ref: SCEBE2414-Mickovski)

This studentship is one of three currently available as part of the Healthcare Built Environment Doctoral Academy. The aim of the PhD is to undertake an evaluation of the potential to recover heat from waste water and/or other associated assets and supply it to NHSGGC properties to reduce dependency on fossil fuels. Read more

Nanoparticle synthesis and application in magnetic field hyperthermia for cancer therapy

  Research Group: Chemistry and Biosciences
Magnetic field hyperthermia (MFH) is currently undergoing clinical trials for use in humans. The research to date has shown the effectiveness of the approach in cells and animal models and the initial results from human trials are promising. Read more

Impacts of oversizing on the performance of energy and environmental systems

Heating, cooling, and ventilation systems in buildings are often sized at capacities exceeding the demand for these services. This can result in inefficient operation, higher initial and operational costs, and larger environmental impacts. Read more

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