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We have 194 high energy physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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high energy physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 194 high energy physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Lead-free materials for electrostatic energy storage

  Research Group: School of Chemical and Process Engineering
This multidisciplinary project spans materials science, chemistry and physics to develop lead-free environmental friendly materials for enhanced electrostatic energy storage. Read more

Simulation of particle physics experiments on graphical processing units

In this project you will combine state of the art software development approaches for GPU programming with the study of interactions of high-energy particles with detectors at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Read more

Quantum phenomena and energy conversion in two-dimensional materials nanostructures

“(Updated deadline, effective until the position is filled) Fully funded PhD position on Quantum phenomena and energy conversion in two‐dimensional materials and nanostructures. Read more

PhD Studentship in “Understanding and compensating turbulence for free space energy transfer”

Are you passionate about developing novel research and keen to shape the future of energy transfer technologies in areas such as, optical physics, adaptive optics and laser beam propagation? We are recruiting a motivated PhD candidate to undertake an exciting project within the EPSRC Energy Transfer Technologies Doctoral Training Hub. Read more

Exciting Fully Funded PhD: Computational Modelling for High-Pressure, Low-Carbon Storage Technologies. Be a Key Player in Shaping the Future of Clean Energy Storage!

Are you ready to push the boundaries of engineering innovation and accelerate the world’s transition to carbon-neutral energy systems? Join the Thermofluids Group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield, and embark on a transformative PhD project funded by John Crane Ltd, a global leader in engineering technology. Read more

Exciting Fully Funded PhD Opportunity: Drive Innovation in Hydrogen Technology. Project: High-Pressure Hydrogen Generation, Storage, and Use - Shape the Future of Clean Energy with Us!

Are you passionate about renewable energy and cutting-edge engineering? Do you want to tackle the challenges of sustainable hydrogen technologies? The University of Sheffield’s Leonardo Centre, a global leader in tribology research, invites a motivated and curious student to embark on an exciting PhD journey. Read more

Fabricating the future of telecommunications with Hollow Core Fibres

This project aims to fabricate novel fibres and collaborate with our partners at Microsoft Azure Fiber, owners of one of the world’s largest global communication networks, to jointly create the future of data communications. Read more

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