Lead supervisor: Dr Andrea Harper. Co-supervisors: Dr Benjamin Lichman and Dr Ian Lidbury, (University of Sheffield). The student will be registered with the Department of Biology (University of York). Read more
Lead supervisor. Dr Sean Meaden. Co-supervisors. Prof James Chong and Dr Saadlee Shehreen, Teesside University. The student will be registered with the Department of Biology (University of York). Read more
Background. R. solanacearum is a devastating bacterial plant pathogen which causes potato brown rot and bacterial wilt diseases. It has a global distribution, wide host range, and no effective control methods. Read more
Viruses significantly impact bacterial populations, leading to the evolution of various defence systems in bacteria. However, the relationship between a bacterium’s growth rate and its ability to defend itself remains unclear. Read more
People with cystic fibrosis (pwCF) harbour chronic lung infections caused by a variety of bacterial pathogens. In the CF airway, mucus accumulates in the lungs potentiating the development of a taxonomically diverse lung microbiome. Read more
The uterine microbiome is increasingly recognised as a key regulator of reproductive health, yet its role in orchestrating physiological processes in the reproductive tract remains poorly understood. Read more
The impact of the gut microbiome on human health has demanded increasing attention in recent years. It is associated with myriad disease states, including diabetes, dementia, cardiorespiratory conditions, and many cancers. Read more
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