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We have 6 molecular parasitology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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molecular parasitology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 6 molecular parasitology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Investigating the impact of PRMT-catalysed methylation on RBP:RNA interactions, mRNP granule formation (LLPS), structural dynamics and gene regulation

Methylation is known to be a key regulator of gene expression throughout eukaryotes. The Walrad, Plevin and Brackenbury labs are part of the York Biomedical Research Institute, global leaders in leishmaniasis and cancer research, with partnerships in >20 countries. Read more

PhD Opportunity - Exploring redox homeostasis in the mitochondria of the parasites causing malaria and toxoplasmosis

'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. Summary: This project will reveal opportunities for drug discovery for the deadly malaria and toxoplasmosis parasites through understanding how these parasites deal with redox stress and how redox regulators function. Read more
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