We have 49 neural network PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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neural network PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 49 neural network PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

PhD Candidate: Computational Cognitive Neuroscience – Multisensory Perceptual Inference, Learning and Attention

Are you fascinated by how the brain makes sense of the senses in a complex dynamic multisensory world? How it flexibly adapts to changes in its environment? Join our multidisciplinary team to study the computations and neural mechanisms of how the brain addresses some of the most fundamental challenges. Read more

Machine Learning with Bio-Inspired Neural Networks

This research will investigate machine learning using biologically inspired spiking neural networks. While much is known about how to train deep artificial neural networks, relatively little is understood about how the brain learns and processes information using electrical pulses known as 'spikes'. Read more

Less Is More! We Build Efficient Foundation AI Models With Fewer Parameters!

These projects are open to students worldwide, but have no funding attached. Therefore, the successful applicant will be expected to fund tuition fees at the relevant level (home or international) and any applicable additional research costs. Read more

PhD Candidate: Computational Cognitive Neuroscience – Decision Confidence

Are you fascinated by the brain mechanisms behind perceptual decision making, sensory uncertainty, and decision confidence? Do you want to understand how we actively gather information across the senses to navigate an uncertain world? Join our multidisciplinary team as a PhD candidate to investigate these questions!. Read more

Scalable continuous Machine Learning for non-Stationary Systems

Nonlinear time series prediction attracts researchers from many different disciplines such as engineering systems condition monitoring and control, financial markets prediction and energy management, etc. Read more

Adversarial Learning for Industrial Control Systems

Cyber-attacks are increasingly posing more and more threat to information assets and computer systems in general. This is particularly so in industrial control systems which refer to a generalized group of automation systems employed in controlling and keeping track of industrial and manufacturing facilities [1]. Read more

Image-based Recognition of Unidentified Featured Objects (UFOs)

With the development of deep learning approaches and convolutional neural networks (CNN) in particular, the task of recognising objects from an image has become associated with the ability to train a network using a large number of labelled images for each class of interest [He2016]. Read more

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