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We have 13 neural plasticity PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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neural plasticity PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 13 neural plasticity PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Computational neuroscience: Statistical signal processing for multivariate neuronal data, Neural computing with Spiking neural networks.

  Research Group: Healthcare Engineering
How does the human brain work? As you read this text, the pixels on your screen are converted into a series of spike trains passing along the neural pathways in your brain, allowing you to understand the content. Read more

Neural circuit changes underpinning olfactory learning

The School of Biomedical Sciences invites applications from prospective postgraduate researchers who wish to commence study for a PhD in neuroscience in the academic year 2024/25. Read more

Towards controlling cell-state switching of neural crest differentiation states in melanoma evolution

Melanoma, a deadly skin cancer, exhibits remarkable adaptability, enabling metastasis, therapy resistance, and immune evasion. Central to this adaptability is the ability of melanoma cells to transition between distinct functional states, a process rooted in mechanisms of cell fate choice. Read more

How can we use transcranial ultrasound brain stimulation to restore cellular function in Alzheimer’s disease?

A key feature of Alzheimer’s disease – the leading form of dementia - is diminished neural activity in various brain regions, including those important for memory function such as the hippocampus (Herholz et al., 2007; O’Brien et al., 2010). Read more
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