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We have 196 numerical modelling PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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numerical modelling PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 196 numerical modelling PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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Data-driven approach for numerical modelling of composite plates and shells (RDF25/EE/MCE/NGUYEN)

A recent report from Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and Innovate UK in July 2021 revealed that the UK composite end-product market in 2019 was estimated at £2.8B and expected to grow to £4.3B by 2035. Read more

Assessing the proximity of tipping points in Antarctica using numerical modelling and Earth Observation (ESA25/EE/GES/REESE)

This project will investigate the proximity of tipping points in Antarctica using numerical modelling and Earth Observation. Climate tipping points are critical thresholds that if crossed, can lead to rapid and irreversible changes in the climate system with dramatic consequences for societies worldwide. Read more

Fluvial plastic transport - physical and numerical modelling

Background. Plastics in fluvial environments have become an emerging threat to habitats. The expected long-life and potential adsorption of contaminants during transport has led to a growing concern of the international community. Read more

PhD in Geographical and Earth Sciences - Sink or Swim? Modelling Crystal Settling and Flotation in the Lunar Magma Ocean

Start Date. 01/10/2025. Aims. This project will develop a new generation of dynamic magma ocean models that incorporate thermo-chemical convection and crystal segregation of a crystallizing magma ocean cooled from the top. Read more

Modelling nuclear graphite waste smouldering: A novel approach to managing a highly challenging waste stream

The UK’s fleet of Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors (AGRs) utilises graphite moderator bricks, which become radiologically contaminated – primarily with Carbon-14 (C-14) and other radionuclides such as Co60 – through transmutation over decades of operation. Read more

Modelling the dynamics of surfactant-laden droplets for sustainable design of emulsions

Background. Emulsions, which consist of dispersed droplets of one liquid in another immiscible liquid, are critical components in a wide range of applications, from personal care products and pharmaceuticals to food, agrochemicals, and lubricants. Read more

Design and Optimisation of RF Wave-Coupled Plasma Propulsion Systems

These projects are open to students worldwide, but have no funding attached. Therefore, the successful applicant will be expected to fund tuition fees at the relevant level (home or international) and any applicable additional research costs. Read more

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