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We have 17 origin of life PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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origin of life PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 17 origin of life PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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Investigating the origin of water in primitive asteroids

One of the vital ingredients that allowed the emergence of life on the Earth is liquid water. Therefore, understanding the origin(s) of water in Solar System bodies is one of the main areas of research in Planetary Sciences. Read more

Chemical origins of biological catalysis on early Earth

The chemical origin of life is one of the greatest unanswered questions in the natural sciences. how did life start on early Earth several billions of years ago? The short answer is we do not know yet. Read more

The meiofauna frontier: pushing the limits of computed tomography in invertebrate morphology and systematics

One of Earth’s great remaining frontiers of animal biodiversity can be found in the communities of invertebrates living in the interstices of aquatic sediments and soils (Swedmark, 1964), in the so-called “meiofauna” (animals <1 mm). Read more

Effects of Phenotypic Plasticity and/or Extreme Events on Ecological Dynamics

PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Effects of Phenotypic Plasticity and/or Extreme Events on Ecological Dynamics. The HartLab at the University of Queensland focuses on understanding why population sizes of plants and animals rise and fall. Read more

Exploring the role of interferon stimulated genes (ISGs) in stem cells of serous ovarian cancer

  Research Group: Institute of Cancer Therapeutics
Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is the leading cause of mortality in women due to gynaecological cancers. High-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) accounts for 70-80% of patients with EOC. Read more

PhD student (f/m/d) Center for Optogenetic Therapies

Our employees are the center of our company and our most important factor of success. For the Else Kröner Fresenius Zentrum für optogenetische Therapien we are currently / from the for the earliest start date onwards looking for a. Read more

PhD in Geographical and Earth Sciences - The geological evolution of C-complex asteroids and their role in the origins of life on Earth

Start date. 01 October 2025. This project asks whether the terrestrial planets including Earth were made habitable by carbonaceous chondrite meteorites delivering bio-essential ingredients including water, organic compounds, nitrogen and phosphorus. . Read more

Quantifying Uncertainty in Machine Learning Methods of Early Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Vast amounts of data relating to genetic, molecular, imaging and spectroscopy methods relating to neurodegenerative diseases is becoming available, posing the challenge of early diagnosis and developing a better understanding of their origin and spread along neural connections. Read more

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