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We have 23 parasites PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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parasites PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 23 parasites PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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How do Plasmodium and Babesia parasites create an intracellular niche for replication? A molecular, comparative biology study.

How do Apicomplexan parasites prepare for intracellular life? Plasmodium and Babesia parasites, which cause malaria and malaria-like disease (babesiosis) in humans and animals, must invade and replicate within red blood cells (RBCs) to survive1,2 – but each pathogen forms and modifies its intracellular niche very differently. Read more

Dissecting the deciders of division in malaria parasites

TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE. Malaria parasites proliferate within red blood cells through a remarkable and unique process of cell division known as schizogony. Read more

PhD Opportunity - Exploring redox homeostasis in the mitochondria of the parasites causing malaria and toxoplasmosis

'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. Summary: This project will reveal opportunities for drug discovery for the deadly malaria and toxoplasmosis parasites through understanding how these parasites deal with redox stress and how redox regulators function. Read more

MSc by Research: Immunomodulation by secreted proteins of helminth parasites

Parasitic helminths (worms) are master manipulators of the immune system. they secrete multiple proteins which interact with cells and cytokines of the immune response, inhibiting or skewing the response towards an outcome more favourable to them. Read more

Artemisinin Derivatives to Fight Malaria

A self-funded PhD position is available in the Fielding and Ismail research groups. We investigate unpaired electron species that play an important role in biological and materials chemistry. Read more

Helminth products as macrophage “trainers”: a novel tool to induce anti-inflammatory trained immunity

The innate immune system can display characteristics of immunological memory. This phenomenon, termed “trained immunity”, refers to the long-term functional reprogramming of innate immune cells after the encounter with infectious or non-infectious agents that influences their capacity to respond to a secondary stimulus. Read more

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