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We have 16 personality PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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personality PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 16 personality PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

A Personality Orientated Spoken Dialogue System for Realistic Humanoid Robots

Realistic humanoid robots (RHRs) with embodied artificial intelligence (EAI) provide a unique opportunity for broadening communication between humans and technology that can be highly accessible, natural and engaging. Read more

Institute for Digital Technologies

The Institute for Digital Technologies (IDT) is dedicated to advancing digital technology to tackle major global challenges. Read more

Digital Technologies

London is one of the top cities in the world for developing the latest advances in technology, business and media, and offers a unique learning environment for anyone who shares a passion for digital technologies. Read more

Risk taking, decision making and ADHD characteristics in contact and non-contact athletes (ref: SF23/HLS/SER/Thornton)

Participation in sport is often associated with physical risks and a higher incidence of injury. Those who choose to engage in sporting activities often differ from those who are sedentary in terms of personality and behaviour (Guillen & Laborde, 2014). Read more

PhD opportunities with the Institute for Digital Technologies at Loughborough University London

The Institute for Digital Technologies offers research expertise and experience in a wide range of subject areas. Our academics are leading research in their field and are extremely well-networked with professionals in a range of industries and sectors. Read more

PhD Studentships in Psychology

The Department of Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London invites applications for funded PhD studentships. REF 2021 recognised the significant quality and impact of the Department’s research in society. Read more

Better behavioural tests for clinical research

Current batteries of cognitive assessments, tasks and questionnaires used routinely by researchers and clinicians to measure behavioural and cognitive dysfunctions have multiple limitations. Read more

Entrepreneurship and sustainability

What, in analytically meaningful terms, is sustainability, and how do entrepreneurship and sustainability in a broad political economy and/or narrow individual-level psychology sense interrelate?. Read more

Strategy and sustainability

What, in analytically tractable terms, are sustainability and, respectively, competitive and corporate strategy? Do they need reconceptualizing before they can be applied to sustainability? How do they interact?. Read more

Detection and mitigation of toxic content

Detection and Mitigation of Toxic Content. Details. The open-source software (OSS) development community is a key driver of innovation and progress in the software industry, providing many essential tools and platforms used by millions worldwide. Read more

Fake content detection

User-generated content is increasingly becoming prevalent in various social media platforms. The content generated on various platforms impacts a larger audience and influences their belief. Read more

Intra-inter-disciplinary approaches to address open challenges of indoor and outdoor scene for videos analysis and recognition.

When we look at recent real-world applications, such as autonomous vehicle driving, use of drones to monitor events like marathons, exhibitions, processions, sports games and to study person behaviour through multiple biometric information, one can easily see that the problem is too complex and there are several open challenges. Read more

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