Plants are constantly being challenged by microbial pathogens and they have evolved the capacity to detect and defend against these incoming microbes. Read more
Plant cell wall glycans are a major component of plant biomass, essential for plant physiology, development, and protection against environmental stress and disease. Read more
Demand for food production is increasing due to growing global population, reduced land availability for agriculture, concern over the effects of the environment on agriculture, and decreasing yield reliability because of climate change. Read more
The Leicester Lifestyle and Health Research Group (LLHRG). Project Highlights: . 1. This studentship will provide comprehensive and novel data on the lifestyle behaviours and health of plant operators. Read more
This fully funded PhD place provides an exciting opportunity to pursue postgraduate research in a range of fields relating to Nutrition, Human Physiology and Cell Biology. Read more
Lead supervisor: Dr Andrea Harper. Co-supervisors: Dr Benjamin Lichman and Dr Ian Lidbury, (University of Sheffield). The student will be registered with the Department of Biology (University of York). Read more
Background. R. solanacearum is a devastating bacterial plant pathogen which causes potato brown rot and bacterial wilt diseases. It has a global distribution, wide host range, and no effective control methods. Read more
'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. Outline. Plants have the innate ability to respond to pathogens together with multiple abiotic stress challenges, but such responses often come at a cost to plant productivity and water use. Read more
Our research aims to understand and manipulate plant DNA-repair pathways. This project elucidates the molecular mechanism of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) for double-strand break (DSB) repair in Arabidopsis. Read more
Our research aims to understand and manipulate plant DNA-repair pathways. This project elucidates the molecular mechanism of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) for double-strand break (DSB) repair in Arabidopsis. Read more
Project Overview: . Insects associated with plants comprise one of the most diverse groups of species on earth. Their impact on the ecology and evolution of their host plants is widely recognised, as is their contribution to multiple important ecosystem services. Read more
Project Overview. This project uses phylogenetic comparative methods to characterise medicinal plant use. You will use published data to identify the ethnobotanical uses of selected species, and the extent to which they are characterised in terms of phytochemistry and pharmacology. Read more
How bacterial pathogens enter and colonise plant via wounds?. Wounding of plants by hard wind, hail, heavy rain, sand storms, and frost is common in nature. Read more
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