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We have 16 plant nutrition PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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plant nutrition PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 16 plant nutrition PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

NAPIC: Microbubbles stabilised by plant protein-polysaccharide complexes: from oral processing to rational design of sustainable food foams

One full scholarship is available in the School of Food Science and Nutrition in 2025/26. This scholarship is open to Home (UK, Ireland) and international applicants and covers UK tuition fees plus a maintenance grant (£19,237 in 2024/25) for full-time study. Read more

EPSRC Fully funded Project: Plant chrono-nutrition: Quantitative methods for improving the nutritional quality of fresh vegetables in urban farms

Both plants and animals have a daily rhythm– the circadian clock– that regulates many different aspects of our physiology. For instance, human circadian rhythms determine how well we absorb nutrients, while plant circadian rhythms regulate metal absorption and vitamin biosynthesis. Read more

Measuring the impact of a whole plant based alternative protein sources on gut health and metabolic function

  Research Group: Biomedical Sciences
A number of aquatic plants, including duckweed (genera Lemna, Wolffia, and Spirodela), are emerging as potential sources of alternative proteins to assist in population level dietary transition to a sustainable, low animal protein healthy diet. Read more

How membrane proteins are regulated - revealing the dynamic S-acyl proteome in plants

S-acylation involves addition of fatty acids to sulfhydryl groups of cysteine residues within proteins, typically altering protein function by changing behaviour within cellular membranes. Read more

Understanding how electrical communication can regulate metabolic cycles in bacteria biofilms

Project Overview. A biofilm is a robust form of bacteria colony resistant to antibiotics. They have significant impacts on a multitude of industries impacting health and industrial processes such as in food production and water security. Read more

Developmental and genotypic determinants of macro and micronutrient distribution across faba bean seed tissues

Faba bean (Vicia faba L) is the UK’s most important pulse crop, valued for its high nutrient density, strong nitrogen-fixing capacity and agronomic versatility and is in strong demand as a sustainably sourced raw material for both animal feed and meat and dairy alternative food manufacture. Read more

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