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We have 7 rvc PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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rvc PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 7 rvc PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Bioengineered Arteries for Cardiovascular Disease Drug Testing

This fully funded PhD studentship provides an exciting opportunity to work on an innovative and multi-disciplinary project in the field of cardiovascular disease and new approach methodologies (NAMs). Read more

The Hidden Menace: Unpicking The Risk Of Antimicrobial Resistance Carriers Within The UK Canine Population

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) continues to pose an increasing threat to animal health. Escalating isolation of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) causing infections in dogs leads to few licensed antimicrobials available for treatment. Read more

How do Plasmodium and Babesia parasites create an intracellular niche for replication? A molecular, comparative biology study.

How do Apicomplexan parasites prepare for intracellular life? Plasmodium and Babesia parasites, which cause malaria and malaria-like disease (babesiosis) in humans and animals, must invade and replicate within red blood cells (RBCs) to survive1,2 – but each pathogen forms and modifies its intracellular niche very differently. Read more
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