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We have 30 sport psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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sport psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 30 sport psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Neurodiversity in sport: from PE to elite sport

The idea of neurodiversity or being neurodivergent (ND), as opposed to neurotypical (NT), emerged in the 1960s in relation to autism, but now encompasses several conditions. Read more

Values-Based Models of Leadership in Sport: Authentic and Ethical Leadership

Values-based models of leadership such as authentic (Walumbwa et al., 2008) and ethical Den Hartog, 2015) leadership have received increased research attention by sport psychologists in recent years. Read more

Bridging the Gap: Investigating the Professional Landscape of Applied Performance Analysts in Sports Performance Analysis

As the discipline of sports performance analysis experiences unprecedented growth and diversification, the role of the applied performance analysts emerges as a key component to aid coaches, athletes and stakeholders’ decision making (Martin et al., 2023). Read more

Men’s lives: the consequences of living with high levels of drive for muscularity

Historically, body image research has focused on females and their dieting and weight loss habits. McCreary and Sasse (2000) recognised that although some men desired to be thin for health, occupational, or recreational reasons, high levels of the drive for thinness in men from Western societies is relatively rare. Read more

Doctorates in Education and Lifelong Learning

Doctorates in Education and Lifelong Learning . UEA’s School of Education and Lifelong Learning is one of the UK's premier centres for teaching and research in professional education and training. Read more

Identifying the neural processes underlying skilled anticipation in sport

A large body of evidence indicates that skilled sports players can anticipate the actions of their opponents more accurately than novices, for example in sports such as tennis. Read more

PhD Studentship for research on psychological safety in elite performance training

PhD studentship at Guildhall School of Music & Drama, in association with Loughborough University. This opportunity is offered with a full fee waiver in the first instance, with the possibility of further funding. Read more

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