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We have 22 sport management PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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sport management PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 22 sport management PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Exploring organisational sustainability and the interplay between economic, social and environmental logics within not-for-profit sport organisations (Ref: SSEHS/MD25)

The Not-for-Profit (NFP) sporting eco-system including community sports clubs, governing bodies, and sporting events are central to delivering health and well-being, social and personal impacts that have been valued between £45 billion and £85 billion in England (Davies et al., 2019; Sport England, 2020; Harris et al., 2009; May et al., 2013). Read more

Policy, Sport, and Geopolitics in an Unstable World PhD

Elite and amateur sport are recognised as important political tools for governments looking to achieve national and international ambitions such as improving public health or promoting a particular national identity globally. Read more

The Origins And Rise Of Online Fitness Influencers

With the rise of the internet and smartphones, our sources of information have seen a massive shift. We no longer exclusively turn to books, professionals, or institutions for advice; we also turn to the internet. Read more

Heat mitigation and management for females

Global warming is causing a sustained increase in temperatures each decade, and an increase in the frequency and intensity of heat waves, which collectively is harming human health. Read more

Sport related values and value systems in cultural context

Starting 2021, the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) International Standard for Education (ISE) mandates the four must-have components for anti-doping education delivered to athletes, one of which is values-based education (WADA, 2021). Read more

Identification or risk factors and preventative strategies for knee injuries in females

In recent years, female sport has seen and exponential rise in both professionalism and success. This had led to greater access to professional coaching, sport science and sports medicine support. Read more

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