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We have 311 sustainable energy PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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sustainable energy PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 311 sustainable energy PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Investigating Opportunities and Challenges of Crowdsourcing for Sustainable Energy Solutions in Conflict-Affected Areas

The increasing frequency of global conflicts and climate-related disruptions has significantly impacted energy infrastructure. Particularly in conflict-affected areas, access to reliable energy sources remains critically limited. Read more

Delivering Sustainable Energy Solutions to Ports

Ports are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions as they commonly move up to 10,000 containers a day from ship to road or rail transport and correspondingly in the reverse direction from land transport onto ships. Read more

Modelling exsolution: materials design for sustainable energy

One of the primary challenges for the global community is the supply of plentiful and affordable energy, moving the world away from dependence on fossil fuels by providing green alternatives. Read more

Materials Engineering: Fully Funded PhD Studentship in Advancing Sustainable Solar Solutions to Transform Global Energy Access

Funding providers: EPSRC DTP studentship with a 50% Match funded contribution from the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Subject areas: Photovoltaic, Perovskites, International Development, Sustainability and Circular Economy. Read more

Lead-free materials for electrostatic energy storage

  Research Group: School of Chemical and Process Engineering
This multidisciplinary project spans materials science, chemistry and physics to develop lead-free environmental friendly materials for enhanced electrostatic energy storage. Read more

Nexus of residential energy use, system flexibility and transition engineering

This PhD project delves into the dynamics of residential energy consumption, system flexibility, and employs the systems transition engineering processes (STEPs) to tackle energy poverty with novel utility network-to-end-use flexibility opportunities. Read more

Decarbonising the UK energy system within Planetary Boundaries

Vacancy information. The Department of Chemical Engineering at University College London (UCL) is one of the top research and teaching departments in the UK with a world-class standing. Read more

Smart artificial islands for offshore renewable energy

Offshore wind energy plays a pivotal role in the global transition to sustainable energy. To decarbonize its energy supply and meet Net Zero targets, the UK is aiming for a rapid expansion of offshore renewable energy, with plans to deploy 50GW of offshore wind capacity by 2030, including 5GW from floating wind farms. Read more

Decarbonising heating and cooling for achieving net-zero goals

Decarbonising heating and cooling in buildings requires a whole energy system approach that integrates the development and deployment of low-carbon technologies, such as heat pumps, along with improvements in energy efficiency. Read more

Decarbonising heating and cooling for achieving net-zero goals

Decarbonising heating and cooling in buildings requires a whole energy system approach that integrates the development and deployment of low-carbon technologies, such as heat pumps, along with improvements in energy efficiency. Read more

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