There is growing concern among policymakers and the public that ‘aggressive tax planning’ by multinational corporations, such as international profit shifting through transfer pricing, undermines national tax bases and reduces public spending capacity. Read more
Extreme weather events are becoming more common in the UK. To combat growing economic and social cost of such events, we must consider all potential solutions including gardens. Read more
This fully funded PhD studentship covers fees and stipend (£19,237 per annum, tax free) for a home (UK) student to conduct new research on human-environment interactions in freshwater ecosystems. Read more
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship, to be undertaken at Imperial College London (Control and Power Research Group, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering). Read more
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship, to be undertaken at Imperial College London (Control and Power Research Group, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering). Read more
This research project will explore how AI can be strategically integrated into maritime operations to enhance decision-making, improve operational efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and mitigate risks associated with navigation, logistics, and sustainability. . Read more
Palmitvaccenic acid (16:1Δ11, PVA) is a fatty acid produced by organisms belonging to three distinct phylogenetic groups. microalgae, insects, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Read more
Vector-borne diseases afflict humans, livestock and plants – according to WHO, vector-borne diseases comprise ~17% of all infectious disease of humans – and also threaten biodiversity by their impact on endangered species. Read more
This project seeks to understand the molecular mechanisms of a large and conserved family of proteins that drive a variety of membrane remodelling processes throughout the tree of life. Read more
Sugars, or glycans as they are more commonly known, are the most abundant biomolecules on earth and play essential roles in a myriad of biological processes including energy storage, cell-cell recognition and the immunological response. Read more
The livelihoods of millions of people living in Africa are at risk due to infectious diseases that affect the health of livestock animals that provide them with essential food, milk, clothing and draught power. Read more
Nature’s chemist. how a plant can produce the complex and diverse alkaloids. Plants are capable of forming complex natural products from simple starting materials. Read more
Streptomyces are filamentous, spore-forming bacteria ubiquitous in soil and marine environments, known to be natural producers of a vast range of products relevant in medicine and industry – ranging from antibiotics such as streptomycin, clindamycin to antitumor therapeutics like doxorubicin. Read more
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