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We have 132 time series PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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time series PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 132 time series PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

High-dimensional functional time series modelling of environmental datasets

  Research Group: Division of Statistics
In a dynamic time-series model, selecting the appropriate lag order is crucial for understanding the predictive relationships among variables and generating accurate forecasts. Read more

Reduction of cardiac complexity as a general marker of disease

These projects are open to students worldwide, but have no funding attached. Therefore, the successful applicant will be expected to fund tuition fees at the relevant level (home or international) and any applicable additional research costs. Read more

Modelling health-climate interaction

We are pleased to announce a highly competitive PhD opportunity in statistics with a focus on advanced statistical modelling of health and climate data. Read more

Deep learning for online Classification

In online learning, to detect the change of pattern in data stream is called drift detection. It is a pivotal problem, particularly when dealing with ongoing data streams. Read more

Unravelling past dryland hydroclimate (RS25/EE/GES/MARKOWSKA)

Our planet's drylands are at the centre of an intriguing climate mystery. These regions, which cover nearly half of Earth's land surface and support 2 billion people, are predicted to expand significantly as our planet warms. Read more

Developing a multi-source remote sensing and AI based methods for automated monitoring of illicit crops and their drivers.

This project will develop novel remote sensing technologies using AI methods to monitor illicit crop production. Illicit crops, such as opium poppies, coca, and cannabis, mostly used in drug production, are a major funding source for criminal and terrorist activity. Read more

Identifying drivers of language development in children’s interactions

Language skills are vital to children’s ability to thrive in school and elsewhere. In order to support children’s language development we need to understand the aspects of early interaction that drive their learning (Donnellan et al, 2019; Down et al, 2015). Read more

Coastal sediment dynamics on the North Coast of Northern Ireland at decadal to centennial time scale.

  Research Group: Geography and Environmental Studies
Up-to-date shoreline models, lacking reliable long-term data to be calibrated with, fail to predict the consequences generated by the current and future context of sea level rise and climate change. Read more

Astrophysical Light Curve Analysis in the Era of Big Data

AI_CDT_DecisionMaking. Details. With next-generation observatories such as the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, ESA[’]{dir"rtl"}s Euclid mission, the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), astrophysics is witnessing a revolution in data availability. Read more

Simulation-based inference for financial econometrics models

In modern statistical applications, many complicated models have two common features. First the likelihood functions are often difficult to evaluate; second the model is generative. Read more

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