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We have 14 transcriptome PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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transcriptome PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 14 transcriptome PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Transcriptome homeostasis in cellular ageing and cancer

We have previously established the oncogenic mechanisms of the transcription. factor FOXM1 in perturbation of genome stability (1, 2), epigenome (3, 4) and adult. Read more

Investigating the impact of PRMT-catalysed methylation on RBP:RNA interactions, mRNP granule formation (LLPS), structural dynamics and gene regulation

Methylation is known to be a key regulator of gene expression throughout eukaryotes. The Walrad, Plevin and Brackenbury labs are part of the York Biomedical Research Institute, global leaders in leishmaniasis and cancer research, with partnerships in >20 countries. Read more

MSc by Research: Computational Evolutionary Transcriptomics for Cancer Diagnostics

In this computational Master project, we will consult new transcriptomic evidence from bulk- and single cells (single-cell genomics) to test whether evolutionary information of gene birth events within the tree of life can be harnessed to inform transcriptomic signatures for cancer type diagnostics (evolutionary transcriptomics). . Read more

Manipulation of neuroimmune responses and behaviour by infectious agents

The project focuses on how infectious agents modify the individuals that they infect and how neuroimmune responses to infection moderate behaviour changes in warm-blooded animals and humans. Read more

Molecular mechanisms of iron related tumourigenesis and cachexia

Hamaratoglu Lab studies cell-cell signalling in development and tumourigenesis. We take advantage of outstanding genetic tools in Drosophila, and use larval imaginal discs as model epithelial organs. Read more
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