Research Group:
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
This PhD investigates an important but fundamentally overlooked aspect of urban regeneration practice in Northern Ireland – the underuse and dilapidation of a plethora of historic buildings currently sitting beyond use. Read more
After 30 years of rapid urbanization, urban regeneration, and rural revitalization are the new challenges for the built environment in China, particularly for the historical areas with values. Read more
Project ID. SS_105. Theme. Safety and Sustainability . This project investigates the role of literature and creative practice in increasing people’s connection to nature near urban development. Read more
We are looking for an enthusiastic PhD researcher eager to work with a friendly, supportive team of supervisors to conduct high-quality research on Innovation Districts, an increasingly important phenomenon in urban regeneration and innovation, and at the same time work closely with the team behind Manchester’s exciting new ID development, SISTER Manchester. Read more
According to a rigorously Morphotypological and therefore non-stylistic approach, the research project aims to investigate the "New Towns" phenomenon developed during the massive urban expansion in China outlined by the 10th Five-Year Plan. Read more
Project ID. SS_7. Theme: Safety and Sustainability. The ambition of this PhD scholarship is to understand how nature-based urban recovery processes emerge in ordinary cities, and what their contribution is to sustainable and liveable urban futures with potential co-benefits for people, places and nature. Read more
Our research degrees advance fields of enquiry into theory and history of architecture as a practice, responsible design, community architecture, architectural heritage and urban design, sustainable buildings, and virtual architecture. Read more
IOU Theatre, Halifax has been at the forefront of experimental arts for half a century, pioneering site-specific outdoor practices and integrating engineering and technology into creative production. Read more
Beach landowner Shoreham Port is a commercial port that provides a full range of services aligned to commercial shipping, fishing and leisure marinas, alongside an extensive property and storage portfolio. Read more
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