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We have 181 veterinary PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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veterinary PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 181 veterinary PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Epidemiological analyses of longevity of career in jumping horses

Background. The group you would join has worked with the FEI for a number of years using data-driven analysis to inform policy changes aimed at maximizing the welfare of the sports horse. Read more
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The Hidden Menace: Unpicking The Risk Of Antimicrobial Resistance Carriers Within The UK Canine Population

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) continues to pose an increasing threat to animal health. Escalating isolation of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) causing infections in dogs leads to few licensed antimicrobials available for treatment. Read more

Occurrence of emerging pesticide contaminants in water courses & their relation to veterinary spot-on products

The presence of emerging pesticide contaminants in water courses poses potential significant environmental and health concerns. Veterinary spot-on products containing pesticides like fipronil, imidacloprid, and pyrethroids, have been identified as a primary source of contamination. Read more

Developing A Welfare Assessment Protocol For Kennelled Dogs

As public interest in animal welfare has increased, so has the recognition of the need to understand both the physical and psychological needs of the animals directly in our care. Read more
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Identifying challenges and opportunities for sustainable parasite control in UK horses

Given the serious and urgent risk to horse health from endoparasites, recent years have seen a plethora of expert-led guidelines, published papers and campaigns to combat anthelmintic resistance by promoting targeted treatment of horses using diagnostic indicators, for example treating those with higher fecal egg counts (FECs). Read more
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GENOMICS: Gene Expression in Oral Melanoma for Integrated Cross-Species Stratification

Oronasal mucosal melanoma (OMM) is a highly aggressive cancer with poor survival outcomes, affecting both humans and dogs. Median survival is ~1 year in dogs and only ~15% of human patients survive 5 years. Read more
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Hepatitis E virus in pigs

The main objective of the project is to study the infection cycle of HEV in pigs with a focus on the interaction of HEV replication and the composition of the microbiome and the effect of both on the pig liver. Read more
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Understanding the Host-Pathogen interaction of PRRS Virus

The main objective of the projects is to study the host-pathogen interaction of PRRSV-1 with the host immune system in pigs. While PRRSV-1 can be resolved by the host before the appearance of neutralising antibodies in blood, a role for the adaptive immune system is envisaged. Read more
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Leveraging Genome-Wide CRISPR-Cas9 Screens to Investigate Divergent Pathogenic Outcomes of Equine Herpesviruses

Genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screens have emerged as powerful tools for high-throughput analysis of complex host-virus interactions. However, their application has primarily been limited to human and murine models due to a lack of species-specific tools and expertise. Read more

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