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We have 71 Aerospace Engineering (energy engineering) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships






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Aerospace Engineering (energy engineering) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 71 Aerospace Engineering (energy engineering) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Solid Mechanics (Electrochemo-mechanics) and Machine Learning

We are actively recruiting FULLY-FUNDED 2 Ph.D. students for solid mechanics of lithium-ion batteries. The length scale spans from atomic, molecular, and continuum levels (covering energy materials, electrode, cell, module, pack and electric vehicles). Read more

Investigation of non-thermal plasma for CO2 conversion in Space In-situ Resource Utilisation

Supervisory Team: Min Kwan Kim (80%) / Alexander Wittig (20%). PhD Supervisor: Min Kwan Kim. Project description. Water, oxygen, and fuel are essential resources for future human missions to Mars, crucial for sustaining astronaut life and ensuring a safe return journey to Earth. Read more

Dry-coupled ultrasonic inspection of CFRP aerospace structures

Background. Ultrasonic testing is routinely employed for verification of the integrity of structural engineering components where it is used to detect the presence of defects within the volume of a structure. Read more

Machine Learning Enhanced Topology Optimisation of Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composites

Background. Fibre-reinforced polymer composites (FRPC) are increasingly used in high-performance industries such as aerospace, automotive, and renewable energy due to their exceptional strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios. Read more

Materials and design of wind turbines for preserving total product value through life sponsored by National Composites Centre (NCC)

Wind energy is a key enabler to a post-fossil fuel energy mix, however wind turbine blades themselves are large constructions of many materials, including glass fibre and carbon fibre composites, all requiring significant sums of energy and capital to produce. Read more

Artificial Optical Nervous System

The aim of this project is to establish a new class of sensing system that is capable of mapping strain distribution at thousands of points using a single strand of optical fibre thinner than a human hair. Read more

Blockage effects on tidal turbines

Tidal Turbines (underwater wind turbines) are able to operate close together and this can increase power capture. To get it to work well we need to understand many different aspects of device design and operating environment. Read more

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