Dr Ben Ward http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/38527-ward-benjamin is looking for a PhD student to work on the research project ’Asymmetric catalysis using environmentally benign calcium complexes’. Read more
The PhD will be based within the Cardiff Catalysis Institute (CCI) (www.cf.ac.uk/cci) which is one of the leading centres for catalyst research focussed on improving the understanding of catalysis, developing new catalytic processes with industry and promoting the use of catalysis as a sustainable 21st century technology. Read more
Chemical Sciences are included in Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, which is regarded to be the first research university in Poland among universities of technology according to domestic rankings. Read more
Free radical reactions and redox processes are ubiquitous in nature and indeed fundamental to life. These radicals are present in the air we breath, the food and drinks we consume, and in the many substances we use on a daily basis. Read more
A 4-year PhD studentship in novel method development and applications in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) is available in the group of Dr Alice Bowen. Read more
Our PhD programme combines world-leading research in Chemical Synthesis with state-of-the-art training in technology and automation to prepare you for a career in modern synthetic chemistry, whether in industry or academic research. Read more
The aim of the Industrial Doctoral Landscape Award (IDLA) PhD studentship, jointly sponsored by EPSRC and DSTL will be to develop microreactor technology for new flow electrochemical methods to solve current challenges in the synthesis of energetic materials, exemplified by the development of new synthetic routes towards FOX-7 and BITE-101. Read more
The aim of the Industrial Doctoral Landscape Award (IDLA) PhD studentship, jointly sponsored by EPSRC and bp, is to provide a sustainable approach for adipic acid production, using 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) a renewable biomass feedstock. Read more
The Max Planck Centre for fundamental studies on heterogeneous catalyst was established in 2019 and has two themes operating on experimental heterogeneous catalysis; namely catalyst design and acetylene chemistry. Read more
Small Molecule Activation and Valorisation Using Low-Coordinate Complexes. Transition metal complexes featuring highly coordinatively and electronically unsaturated centres are challenging synthetic targets, but they show unusual reactivity which stems from their unique coordination environments. Read more
Greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO₂, are a primary driver of climate change, necessitating innovative solutions to capture and convert CO₂ into valuable products. Read more
The Rhys lab is an exciting new lab looking to recruit new students to design and engineer peptides and proteins for new applications (rhyslab.com). Read more
Candidates are invited to apply for a PhD position in the Magennis research group in the School of Chemistry, which is available to start from 1st October 2024. The PhD project will develop and apply state-of-the-art single-molecule fluorescence techniques to study novel fluorescent amino acids. Read more
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