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We have 9 Creative Arts & Design PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in Belfast



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Creative Arts & Design PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in Belfast

We have 9 Creative Arts & Design PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in Belfast

Design for the Circular Economy

  Research Group: Art and Design
This project focuses on developing sustainability design solutions and offers the successful candidate the opportunity to create new approaches for dealing with waste consumables and equipment. Read more

Design Culture and the Trail of Innovation

  Research Group: Art and Design
This project focuses on the development of design solutions and offers the successful candidate the opportunity to review, evaluate, and develop new perspectives on innovation, skills development, craft and technology. Read more

Art and Sustainability / Design for Change

  Research Group: Art and Design
​​. ​​Belfast School of Art, established in 1849, is the only provision for Higher Education Art & Design in Northern Ireland, the oldest provider of design education on the island of Ireland and one of the oldest creative arts schools in the UK. Read more

Ulster Dressmaking: Exploring Domestic Production, Material Culture, Craft, and Agency.

  Research Group: Art and Design
Affordable sewing machines and commercial patterns made home dressmaking widespread in the 20th century. The paper pattern industry helped democratise fashion and entrepreneurship (Buchart, 2013). Read more

‘Advanced Nordic Articulation via Architecture’ [naava]

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
‘naava’ is a project that presents a new way of researching building and space produced in the North East Atlantic corridor and Nordic countries. Read more

Investigating AI-Driven Personalisation and Generative Design Techniques for Enhanced UI/UX in Digital Health Interfaces

  Research Group: Art and Design
This project is focused on making digital health tools more effective by personalising them to better meet individual needs. As digital health apps and platforms become more common, there’s a growing need to create interfaces that are not only easy to use but also engaging and impactful. Read more

Animation in Ireland

  Research Group: Art and Design
​​​Irish animation is currently experiencing a renaissance, evidenced by a series of Oscar-nominated and winning films from Cartoon Saloon, such as The Secret of Kells (2009), Song of the Sea (2014), The Breadwinner (2017), and Wolfwalkers (2021)—as well as acclaimed animated shorts like Quest (1996) and Late Afternoon (2018). Read more
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