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We have 62 Biodiversity PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students



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Biodiversity PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 62 Biodiversity PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

Creating Sustainable Fuel from Ocean Microplastics Using Plasma Conversion

The successful PhD student will be co-supervised and work alongside our external partner Hydrogen Refinery. This studentship is open to students worldwide *please see funding notes below. Read more

Quantifying the Impact of Windfarms on Seabirds

The successful PhD student will be co-supervised and work alongside our external partner Marine Directorate Scotland. This studentship is open to students worldwide *please see funding notes below. Read more

Advancing Wildlife-Friendly Coffee and Cocoa Farming for Conserving Endangered Primates in Indonesia and Côte d’Ivoire

This PhD’s overall aim is to investigate how shifting to more sustainable and pro-wildlife farming techniques for coffee and cocoa cultivation can alleviate pressures on endangered primates while empowering smallholder farmers. Read more

Long term development of earthworm communities in naturally colonised, compared to planted woodland

Forest Research (FR) has been investigating newly planted trees, areas of natural tree colonisation, and mature woodland, in research that has made use of matched chronosequence sites (from 5 to 60 years old) from across England (n>35 of triplicated sites). Read more

PhD in Computational Ecology

PhD in Computational Ecology. Why are some ecosystems more resilient to climate change? Can we predict how communities will respond to disturbances? What features of a community ensure stability and coexistence? How do community interactions affect broad-scale biodiversity patterns?. Read more

Urban Parrot Ecology and Conservation

Wellington city has regained a culturally significant species, the kākā. However, this large forest parrot faces unprecedented threats in the city, including new diseases, unintentional poisoning, and conflict with humans. Read more

Developing a multi-source remote sensing and AI based methods for automated monitoring of illicit crops and their drivers.

This project will develop novel remote sensing technologies using AI methods to monitor illicit crop production. . Illicit crops, such as opium poppies, coca, and cannabis, mostly used in drug production, are a major funding source for criminal and terrorist activity. Read more

PhD Studentship: Enhancing Ecosystem Service Delivery in British Hop Farms

Applications are invited for this full-time PhD studentship, which for UK home students is fully funded* by the Worshipful Company of Brewers, Asahi and the Royal Agricultural University. Read more
Last chance to apply

Health and Productivity of Cattle used in Rewilding

Rewilding is a nature-based approach to facilitating natural regeneration of intensively managed land, and has become a popular idea in the UK and Europe. Read more

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