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We have 15 Biological Sciences (climate change risk) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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Biological Sciences (climate change risk) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 15 Biological Sciences (climate change risk) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Cold-Stunning in Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles: Physiological responses to climate change

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate to join a cutting-edge project investigating the impact of environmental changes on cold-stunning events in Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, the world’s most endangered sea turtle species. Read more

Disentangling extinction risk in deep time

Determining the species most vulnerable to extinction is key to understanding the drivers of macroevolutionary patterns, and to building accurate projections for biodiversity in the face of accelerated loss today. Read more

University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University PhD opportunities in Net Zero Maritime Energy Solutions (N0MES)

We are looking for PhD candidates interested in addressing real-world sustainability issues facing the UK and beyond. Our projects are diverse, multidisciplinary and driven by scientific endeavour, national priorities and industry need. Read more

University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University PhD opportunities in Net Zero Maritime Energy Solutions (N0MES)

We are looking for PhD candidates interested in addressing real-world sustainability issues facing the UK and beyond. Our projects are diverse, multidisciplinary and driven by scientific endeavour, national priorities and industry need. Read more

Understanding extinction risk in the Anthropocene

We live in a humanized world in which even the most remote areas have been affected by the actions of our species. Human impacts have caused a widespread loss of biodiversity, to the point that we have likely entered the sixth mass extinction event on Earth, the first primarily caused by humans. Read more

Science Research Opportunities at the University of East Anglia

UEA is a top tier, research-led university committed to making a substantial impact on global challenges facing society for over 50 years. Read more

Macro dEterminants of cookiNg behavioUrs: An analysis of data from 140 countries (MENU)

Noncommunicable diseases cause 41 million deaths annually and disproportionately affect low-and-middle-income countries. To reduce premature mortality by one-third by 2030, a UN Sustainable Development target, dramatic action is needed. Read more
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