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We have 11 Biological Sciences (marine conservation) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students



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Biological Sciences (marine conservation) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 11 Biological Sciences (marine conservation) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

The Ecology and Conservation of Goldsinny Wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) in Coastal Marine Ecosystems

Applications are only open to UK Students Only. Applications are invited for a 3.5-year PhD studentship with the University of Plymouth and the Ocean Conservation Trust’s National Marine Aquarium. Read more

Enhancing Marine Biodiversity Through Repurposing Manmade Structures with Secondary Coastal Flood Defence Benefits

Saturn_Nuclear_CDT. Manmade marine structures, such as decommissioned cooling water intake tunnels from power stations, represent significant infrastructural assets that can be repurposed to address pressing environmental challenges. Read more

Evaluating the potential consequences of climate heating for Caspian seals and ecosystem services in the Caspian Sea

Marine mammals are keystone species for marine ecosystems. Understanding how they could be impacted by climate heating is important for evaluating risks to marine biodiversity, ecosystem function and ecosystem services. Read more

Status, distribution, and dynamics of marine biodiversity

Marine biodiversity is essential to the functioning of the Earth’s ecosystems, and supports a range of ecosystem services including food production, climate regulation, and cultural values. Read more

Modelling foraging interactions at the heart of marine food chains to link climate change to wild salmon

This project combines mathematical modelling and long-term ecological data to close a crucial gap in our understanding of how the impacts of climate change at the base of marine food chains (plankton) translate into impacts on wild salmon and other fish, seabirds, and mammals at the top of those food chains. Read more

The ecological and societal benefits of environmentally friendly coastal structures – Southwick Reef

Beach landowner Shoreham Port is a commercial port that provides a full range of services aligned to commercial shipping, fishing and leisure marinas, alongside an extensive property and storage portfolio. Read more

The Leverhulme Programme for Doctoral Training in Ecological Data Science

Based at the University of Glasgow and funded by the Leverhulme Trust, the Leverhulme Programme for Doctoral Training in Ecological Data Science will train a new generation of data scientists. Read more

Effects of Phenotypic Plasticity and/or Extreme Events on Ecological Dynamics

PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Effects of Phenotypic Plasticity and/or Extreme Events on Ecological Dynamics. The HartLab at the University of Queensland focuses on understanding why population sizes of plants and animals rise and fall. Read more
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