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We have 5 Pure Mathematics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Birmingham






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Pure Mathematics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Birmingham

We have 5 Pure Mathematics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Birmingham

Geometry and difference equations in string theory

This project aims to explore the geometric and physical properties of discrete Schrödinger equations, with a particular focus on their connections to Calabi-Yau geometries and the quantum symmetries arising in String Theory and Quantum Field Theory. Read more

Algebraic groups and Lie algebras

Projects available in a range of topics in representation theory and Lie theory. These are centered around questions in the representation theory of Lie algebras and algebraic groups and are likely to involve a blend of algebraic, combinatorial and geometric methods. Read more

Extremal Graph Theory

Extremal Graph Theory studies how global parameters of a graph (e.g. the total number of edges, minimum degree) have an e ffect on the existence of certain local substructures, (e.g. Read more

Extremal graph theory

Extremal graph theory is one of the most active and dynamic branches of combinatorics. The fundamental goal of the area is to understand what conditions force a graph to contain some substructure. Read more
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