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We have 8 Solid Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Bristol






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Solid Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Bristol

We have 8 Solid Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Bristol

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Modelling and experiments of drying-driven gelation of colloidal fluids

The project. Colloidal fluids are liquids that contain solid particles. The drying of colloidal fluids is crucial to countless industrial processes, such as ink-jet printing, pesticide spraying, and the fabrication of battery electrodes. Read more
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De-fossilisation of Carbon Fibre

Carbon fibres enable strategic advantages for multiple UK manufacturing sectors. For instance, increased blade length for wind turbines and high-pressure hydrogen storage systems both being enablers of a green, clean and secure future energy mix. Read more
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Early-stage detection and characterisation of hydrogen-induced defects using ultrasonic arrays for enhanced structural integrity assessment

The project. Motivation. The development of hydrogen energy technologies is central to the UK government's ten-point plan for a green industrial revolution, targeting a 40% reduction in gas consumption by 2030 and carbon-zero emissions by 2050. Read more
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Mathematical models of contact mechanics

The project. This project aims to resolve the computational difficulties that arise in Finite Element modelling of mechanical structures involving joints and surfaces that impact or slip against each other. Read more
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Modelling, simulations and machine learning of the dynamics of human swallowing

The project. A normal swallow is an impressively complex sequence of movements, requiring the coordination of muscles located within the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and oesophagus. Read more
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Physics-informed machine learning

The project. Many modern machine-learning architectures require significant amounts of data for training and validation. In the physical sciences, experimental data is often sparse and hence machine learning models must be supplemented by constraints that go beyond observational data alone. Read more
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