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Ranked in the UK top 50 (Guardian University League Table 2018), Northumbria is a research-rich, business-focused, professional university with a global reputation for academic excellence. By putting students at the heart of an outstanding experience, and with world-leading research and award-winning partnerships, Northumbria is a new kind of excellent university.
Postgraduate courses from Northumbria University will take you to the next level. Whether you want to get the real-world experience you need to progress in your career, the research skills you need to drive the direction of your discipline, or you simply want to build your confidence and pursue your passion, a Masters qualification will take you there.
At Northumbria we work with major employers, including Nike, IBM, Nissan, Proctor & Gamble, the BBC, and the NHS, while more than 560 employers and 60 professional bodies sponsor or accredit our courses.
Northumbria is ranked 9th in the UK for the number of graduates in professional or managerial roles and 97% of postgraduates are in work or further study within six months of graduation (DLHE 2014/15).
Our taught postgraduate courses are co-created with employers to ensure that what we teach and the way we teach it gives you all the attributes you’ll need to succeed.