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We have 82 Cancer Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK)



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Cancer Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK)

We have 82 Cancer Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK)

A new imaging approach to unravel the mysteries of extracellular vesicle journey through tissues: merging chemistry, microscopy, and molecular biology to track information flow at nanoscale (C3.5-DEN-Lambert)

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are complex cell-derived nano-vesicular structures that drive a multitude of biological responses. EVs carry a range of bioactive molecules, including DNA, RNA, proteins, glycans and metabolites, which generate responses in surrounding cells to maintain tissue function. Read more

Next generation nano-photonic biosensors for early diagnosis of cancers

Project ID. DTC_10. Theme: Health Innovation. One of the 21st century's main challenges is human health. For healthy ageing and improved patient outcomes we need to detect cancer earlier to provide the best opportunity for successful treatment options. Read more

Reading, writing and molecular switching in the DNA-damage response

The proposed project revolves around a fascinating and unique class of regulatory proteins that seem to function as molecular shape-shifters, able to adopt a number of distinct structural forms each tailored to functionally specific downstream signalling processes. Read more
Last chance to apply

Mathematical and computational modelling of organoids

The project. Organoids, miniature organ-like structures cultivated in the lab from stem or progenitor cells, have huge potential for biomedical research and tissue engineering. Read more

PhD studentship in Ageing – Why do men and women age differently?

Award summary . 100% of home tuition fees paid and an annual stipend (living expenses) starting at £19,237 (24/25 rate). International candidates will be required to fund the difference between home fees and international fees. . Read more

Employing Spiking Neural Networks to Unravel Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Gene Regulatory Networks using Spatial Transcriptomics Data

AI_CDT_DecisionMaking. Details. Spatial Transcriptomics (ST) is a technique that enables researchers to measure gene expression profiles while preserving the spatial locations, deepening our understanding of tissue organisation, function and cellular interactions. Read more

Bioinformatic Cancer Epigenetics PhD project

We are seeking a highly motivated student with very high GPA preferably with knowledge of the following areas. bioinformatics, machine learning, artificial intelligence. Read more
Last chance to apply

Population genetic analysis based on the polymorphisms mediated by retrotransposons in the human genomes for cancer risk prediction (RDF25/HLS/APP/SHUKLA)

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, and early detection is crucial for effective treatment. Despite various screening programs, many cancers are not caught early enough when curative treatments can be employed. Read more

GEMS Topic: Harnessing Vibrational Spectroscopy and Machine Learning for Early Cancer Detection via Extracellular Vesicle Profiling

This project explores the use of vibrational spectroscopy, coupled with machine learning, to enhance early cancer detection. Cancer patient biofluids are rich in extracellular vesicles (EVs), which carry complex biomarkers. Read more

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