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We have 106 Cancer Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK)



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Cancer Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK)

We have 106 Cancer Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK)

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Destroying cancer-causing proteins

Targeted protein degradation (TPD) is an emerging modality for both research and therapeutics. TPD harnesses the cellular protein degradation pathways to target the destruction of target proteins. Read more
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Ameliorating ageing, age-related diseases and cancer by targeting senescence and the p53 pathway.

Ageing is a process defined by the accumulation of old (senescent) cells in tissues.  It has  been  shown  that  senescent  cells  interfere  with  the  normal functions of most organs and thus lead to the phenotypic changes associated with ageing, as well as the establishment of age-related diseases. Read more
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Unravelling the Mechanisms of Heme Delivery and Its Role in Cancer Biology

Heme is a vital small molecule involved in the function of numerous proteins. It plays key roles, such as binding oxygen in globins and facilitating electron transfer in cytochromes. Read more
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Understanding HDAC1 recruitment into diverse multi-protein complexes

The DNA of all eukaryotic organisms is packaged with histone proteins to form chromatin. Chromatin forms a physical barrier to all processes that need access to DNA (e.g., transcription). Read more

Next generation nano-photonic biosensors for early diagnosis of cancers

Project ID. DTC_10. Theme: Health Innovation. One of the 21st century's main challenges is human health. For healthy ageing and improved patient outcomes we need to detect cancer earlier to provide the best opportunity for successful treatment options. Read more

Reading, writing and molecular switching in the DNA-damage response

The proposed project revolves around a fascinating and unique class of regulatory proteins that seem to function as molecular shape-shifters, able to adopt a number of distinct structural forms each tailored to functionally specific downstream signalling processes. Read more

PhD studentship in Ageing – Why do men and women age differently?

Award summary . 100% of home tuition fees paid and an annual stipend (living expenses) starting at £19,237 (24/25 rate). International candidates will be required to fund the difference between home fees and international fees. . Read more

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