PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Cardiff
We have 141 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Cardiff
PhD in Chemistry: Electrolyzers Implemented with Particle-Stabilized Foams for Green Hydrogen Production by Electrolysis of Contaminated Waters and Wastewaters: EPSRC competitive funded post
Water electrolysis is an effective method to produce green H2 with zero-carbon emission. However, commercial electrolysers use only freshwater that may strain the drinking water supply. Read more
Effects of loneliness on cognition in adolescence
Research Group:
Cognitive Neuroscience
Adolescence (recently defined as the age range between 10-24years) is a particularly sensitive period for development of higher-level cognitive and social skills (Blakemore 2019) and adolescents have been shown to be hypersensitive to social stimuli, both positive and negative (Foulkes 2016). Read more
Supporting adoptees’ experiences and relationships in secondary school
Applications are invited for a highly motivated, enthusiastic psychologist with an interest in developmental science to join the Wales Adoption Cohort Study team at Cardiff University. Read more
PhD in Chemistry: New catalysts for acetylene processes enabling a sustainable future
Chemical industry produces tens of thousands of chemical intermediates and products that are essential components of polymers, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, fragrances, paints, and more, elevating the overall quality and length of human life across the globe. Read more
Cardiff University School of English, Communication and Philosophy - PhD Opportunities
With its unique mix of disciplines, Cardiff School of English, Communication and Philosophy offers an exciting range of specialised and innovative postgraduate programmes and a dynamic and highly successful research culture. Read more
Understanding children with neurodevelopmental problems using a developmental, RDoC-informed approach
Research Group:
Developmental Science
Applications are invited for a highly motivated, enthusiastic psychologist with an interest in developmental psychopathology to join the well-supported Neurodevelopment Assessment Unit and its team ( at Cardiff University. Read more
Fully-Funded WGSSS ESRC general studentships via the Linguistics and Bilingualism Pathway (School of English, Communication and Philosophy)
The School of English, Communication and Philosophy at Cardiff University is delighted to offer fully funded Welsh Graduate School for the Social Sciences (WGSSS) (ESRC DTP) studentships via the Linguistics and Bilingualism Pathway starting in October 2025. Read more
Human Behaviour in Adapting to Environmental Crisis and Risk
Research Group:
Risk and Environment
Understanding human behaviour in the face of risks and how this shapes organisations, communities and societies is fundamental to addressing our current and future global challenges and crises. Read more
Greener AI for brain imaging: developing sustainable and accessible MRI technologies with lightweight models and low-energy devices
Research Group:
Imaging Science
About the Project. Quantitative medical imaging through Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has undergone rapid transformation in recent years. Read more
Developing Large Arrays of Superconducting Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors for Future Astronomy Instrumentation
The Cardiff Astronomy Instrumentation Group (AIG) is one of the world leaders in Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector (MKID) development. Read more
Advanced numerical methods for solving the forward problem in E/MEG
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a technique that measures the electric potential originating from the brain using electrodes located on the scalp. Read more
EPSRC DLA studentship - Optimizing building energy performance and ventilation strategies for viral disease management
Research Group:
Applied and Computational Mathematics
Supervisory team. Dr Katerina Kaouri, Professor Wassim Jabi, Dr Thomas Woolley. The new frontier in epidemic preparedness lies in balancing the reduction of energy consumption and carbon emissions with the need for enhanced ventilation, two objectives that often conflict. Read more
PhD in Chemistry: Electrocatalysis: Development of Catalysts for the Electrochemical Transformation of Organic Biobased Molecules into Value-Added Products and Energy Harvesting
PhD in Chemistry. Electrocatalysis. Development of Catalysts for the Electrochemical Transformation of Organic Biobased Molecules into Value-Added Products and Energy Harvesting. Read more
PhD in Chemistry: Designing novel gold and platinum catalysts: EPSRC funded
Designing novel gold and platinum catalysts. Read more
Revealing the Hidden Light: Understanding the cosmic dust and cold gas in nearby galaxies.
Over half the light ever emitted by stars in the Universe having been absorbed by cosmic dust, and the situation is worse (>90%) when looking at regions where star-formation is occurring. Read more