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Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 1,043 Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Deconstructing Biofilms

Antibiotic resistance is a major societal problem and has grown at an alarming rate in recent decades. It now results in millions of fatalities worldwide every year. Read more

[FSE Bicentenary PhD] Lifetime prediction of environmental barrier coatings combining materials characterisation with machine learning

This PhD study will be carried out in close collaboration with Rolls-Royce to develop novel environmental and thermal barrier coatings to protect the SiC ceramic composites designed for the next generation aero-engines which are expected to revolutionise the current aero-engine design and to address the environmental impact of aero-engine and industrial gas turbine operations. Read more

Fanger Comfort Model: Still fit for purpose?

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Fanger’s comfort modelis is used to set internal temperatures based upon the activity and clothing of humans. It has been in use since the 1960s. Read more

Portable thermal energy storage for localised cooling in offices

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Personal Cooling is becoming a health requirement in offices and other work places as climate change impacts ambient summer temperatures leading to higher internal temperatures in buildings than originally predicted during its design and construction. Read more

Oxidic Nanomaterials for High Density Storage in Li-ion Batteries

  Research Group: Chemistry and Biosciences
The oxides of a number of materials are very appealing candidates as substitutes for conventional anodes in lithium-ion batteries because of their high theoretical capacity, high electric conductivity low potential of lithium ion intercalation, as well as superior electron mobilities, with one such material, SnO2 being particularly appealing. Read more

Fire Code Design Development for Precast Cladding Façade System.

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
In a situation where the PCSPF is exposed to fire, the insulation layer should first ensure the thermal protection of the load-bearing layer, stay firm during the fire, and not contribute to fire spread. Read more

Nanomaterials as White Light Emitters for Low Cost Lighting

  Research Group: Chemistry and Biosciences
White-light emission (WLE) from semiconductor nanostructures is presently a research area of intense interest especially where the primary objective is to replace conventional light sources by environmentally friendly materials in order to minimize energy costs and therefore the global energy consumption for lighting. Read more

PhD in Geographical and Earth Sciences - Viruses in fractured basalt aquifers: terrestrial analog for a potential Martian subsurface microbiome?

Start Date. 01 October 2025. Motivation. On Earth, viruses are the most abundant microorganism in seawater (Suttle 2007). The relative abundance of viruses in terrestrial groundwaters is not yet known, but recent studies point towards a large and highly novel subsurface virome (Wu et al. Read more

Photovoltaic-electrocatalytic integrated devices for solar chemicals

This PhD studentship funded by EPSRC and industrial partners aims to harness solar energy for producing valuable chemicals, such as hydrogen and carbon products, from small molecules like carbon dioxide and water. Read more

Heat pump performance improvement by PVT and/or energy storage integration.

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
The UK’s net zero strategy clearly emphasises the role of heat pumps, other renewable technologies (e.g., Solar PV/thermal, hydrogen), and EVs with an increased share of renewable electricity while keeping the security of supply in mind. Read more

Design, synthesis and evaluation of protease-activated anti-cancer prodrugs

  Research Group: Institute of Cancer Therapeutics
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of endoproteases that are overexpressed in tumours and play crucial roles in many tumourigenic processes, not least tumour invasion and angiogenesis. Read more

Fire Dynamics, Material Flammability and Computer Modelling of Fire Phenomena

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Fire dynamics and material flammability are important research areas within fire safety engineering (FSE) in identifying and understanding the mechanisms related to the degradation, ignition and burning of materials and subsequent the fire spread and development with the ultimate goal to improve fire safety (people and structure) in buildings and other spaces. Read more

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