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We have 71 Chemistry (cells) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students






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Chemistry (cells) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students

We have 71 Chemistry (cells) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students

Last chance to apply

Probing Ion Motion in Perovskite Solar Cells

The University of Bath Institute of Sustainability and Climate Change is inviting applications for the following PhD project which is part of a joint PhD programme between the University of Bath and Monash University in Australia. . Read more

Engineering of dynamic Synthetic Cells

Do you want to design and construct synthetic life-like cells? Is it possible to build synthetic cells that mimic the essential functions of living systems? Could these synthetic cells, equipped with programmable functionalities, perform specialized tasks in biological environments and help uncover the mechanisms underlying cellular processes?. Read more

(BBSRC NWD) Developing biomaterials to engineer how cancer cells sense force to regulate gene expression

Overview . This project seeks to develop material engineering approaches to model and understand the mechanisms by which force is transmitted from the extracellular microenvironment into the nucleus to regulate gene expression. . Read more

Bioelectrical control of epithelial cell behaviour

Bioelectrical behaviours, such as ion transport and action potential firing, are key features of “excitable” neuronal and muscle cells but are less well understood in “non-excitable” epithelial cells. Read more

GTA funded - Development of a novel cancer treatment strategy targeting reactive protein N-termini

Graduate Teaching Assistantship. This is a Graduate Training Assistantship (GTA), which means that you will be required to do some teaching, particularly lab demonstrating, as part of your training. Read more
Last chance to apply

Sustainable Systems Chemistry Approaches for New Cancer Targeted Theranostics as Repurposed Metallodrugs

The University of Bath Institute of Sustainability and Climate Change invites applications for the following PhD project which is part of a joint PhD programme between the University of Bath and Monash University in Australia. . Read more

A versatile tumour-on-a-chip platform for studying tumour cell metastasis and angiogenesis (S3.5-SMP-Bryant)

Studying metastasis and angiogenesis is essential for developing effective cancer treatments. Metastasis, the process by which cancer cells spread from the primary tumour to other parts of the body, is responsible for the majority of cancer-related deaths. Read more

Bioelectrochemical synapse-like communication in bacteria

The human body consists of ~1013 human cells and nearly equal number of bacterial cells. These bacteria impact human heath, physiology and even psychology. Read more

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